MINDFUL SUPPORT NETWORKMindfulness-based Peer SupportCo-coaching, Co-counselling and Peer Action Learningfor Mindfulness, Wellbeing, Resilience and SustainabilityWhat is our FocusRedirecting MotivationTransforming EmotionsLiving EthicallyTraining AttentionRefining AwarenessCultivating WisdomServing OthersLiving SustainablyHow we WorkWe meet online to train together, share skills and provide reciprocal peer support using three core P2P approachesINTEGRATIVE PEER SUPPORT METHODS Co-coachingTaking turns in pairs to enhance skills in Somatic Contemplative Cognitive Organisational forms of mindfulness in your own context Co-counsellingTaking turns in pairs to work on Presence Wellbeing Resilience Sustainability applied to your own life and work Peer Action LearningSmall group work to support individual Problems Issues Opportunities Aspirations related to personal and professional projects Who can Join the Network and How to become a MemberWhat Network training and skill sharing is included in membership