These pathways recognise the need to include members who's life practice is more informed by their own contemplative spiritual/religious path and those who prefer to learn via self-study with peer support
Independent Online Study of Mindfulness
Facebook reading group and Self-study of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World
Contemplative and Meditative Spirituality Practice
Practitioners of contemplative prayer and meditation in different spiritual traditions open to the inclusive aims of the Network
Various spiritual traditions
Educational Leadership Routes
Taking one of these pathways offers access to associates and trainees of the Centre for Mindful Educational Leadership in affiliation with Edge Hill University
Mindfulness-based Leadership Development MBLD
Post-coaching support for receivers of MBLD Mindfulness-based Leadership Development
This pathway recognises the need of members who have received mindfulness-based therapy or counselling to be part of an ongoing peer-to-peer community that supports their mindful wellbeing and resilience
MBCT Clients
Post-therapy support for receivers of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy
This pathway recognises the importance of the nationwide network of independent practitioners in psychotherapy, counselling, the education and practice of human growth and similar endeavours
IPN Members
Existing group members of the Independent Practitioners Network